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The RED PRESSpective
A Look at the Good News”

About ..

The RED PRESSpective

The Name.

RED is a royal, extreme and dynamic color; it’s passionate and spiritually symbolic.  Our eyes perceive that red areas are forward-moving.  It is the color most associated with courage.  


My name.  

And by definition: to act upon with steadily applied weight or force; to move by weight or force in a certain direction or position; to compress or squeeze; to flatten or make smooth, especially in ironing; to extract from by pressure; to raise or lift; to bear heavily; printed publications; all the media and agencies that print, broadcast, or gather and transmit news; the editorial employees of these media and agencies.

(Per)spective:  a mental view; the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance; a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality; the ability to consider things in relation to one another accurately and fairly; an optical glass 

The RED PRESSpective is the ink that flows from the pressure. 

It is the lessons that are learned from seeing the Good News birthed in the press, through the struggle. 

Get to know Me

Creator, The RED PRESSpective

I am a Christian communicator who is passionate about using stories to proclaim the Good News.  Jesus, reading and writing, meeting new people, cultivating new experiences, and traveling to new places make me, me. 

“And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, when she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched His garment. For she said,
If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole.

Mark 5:25-28 KJV

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