Holy Land

In 1990, I was a teenage girl, going into my Senior year of high school. Back then, on Sunday evenings, my family and I would watch biblical prophecy teachers, Jack and Rexella Van Impe. At the time, I didn’t understand everything that they taught. The young journalist in me, however, was drawn to this Bible that, once opened, could tell me the evening news before I had even turned my TV on.

Not many years later, it would be the prophetic word that would draw me into a real relationship with Jesus.

Even then, I had no idea that, one day, I would visit Israel, Jesus’ home. A year ago today, November 1, 2022, I stood, for the first time, on the soil of the Holy Land.

Not long after touching down at Ben Gurion Airport, my niece and I waded through the Mediterranean Sea, before walking over to a Tel Aviv courtyard. It was there that, within minutes, we encountered Benjamin Netanyahu, who before the night was over, would again win a bid for Israeli Prime Minister.

Here I was, this African-American woman, from a small town in the Southern United States, standing within feet of the head of the nation of Israel. That teenage girl who had wondered what her future would look like, couldn’t have imagined that the picture God had for her life, would develop this way.

That young girl, who loved crafting stories, would one day walk the set of the Greatest Story Ever Told.

That young girl, who loved crafting stories, would one day witness history in the making.

But God is at work in and for all of His daughters. He’s crafting your story too.

Just like God, many yesterdays ago, foretold the world events of today, He also foreknew the events of your life. And even though it seems like the world, your world, may be out of control, nothing could be further from the Truth. Even in the midst of what looks like uncertainty, He’s an Author and the plot twists don’t catch Him off guard. It’s not always easy, but you can trust Him with the pen.

God is still sovereign, and He doesn’t waste experiences.

Nothing escapes Him.

Tonight, Israel is at war over her land.

Tonight, we’re at war over our land too: the Holy Land of our hearts. Hatred, confusion, worry, fear, and apathy threaten our borders and seek to invade the places where Jesus desires to dwell. But Sis, I want to encourage you to guard your heart with all diligence. Arm yourself with love, faith, peace and compassion. Fight for it like your life depends on it…because it does.

PRINCIPLE: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” – Psalm 122:6-7

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